Dream Book Conference with My Favorite Authors


Heyyy there bookish people!

So how are you today? What are you currently reading? Hope you all are doing wonderful! As you may have read from the title, this post is all about my dream book conference (which may but probably will not come true) with my favorite authors! Admit it, you probably have daydreamed about your favorite authors gathering together on your dream conference once or twice now. Well, I always do and now I’m going to share one of my dream panel of authors.


I have a handful of favorite authors but for this post I’ve narrowed them down to five. As most of you may have known, I’m a huge contemporary reader. It’s my favorite genre, it’s the best genre for me, I would read contemporary books forever. So of course I chose my top 5 authors who all have written some AMAZING contemporary books.

So here goes my Dream Book Conference with the most amazing contemporary authors and the question that I’ll probably ask them:


First on my list is Jenny Han! Shocking right? I know, I practically talk about Jenny Han and her books all the time. Well, it’s simply because I adore her and her works. I love how her stories are quite simple, they don’t have mind-blowing plot twists but the way she writes is so addicting. The characters in her novels are definitely the best part, they’re easy to connect and fall in love with.

My Question: WILL LARA JEAN AND PETER END UP TOGETHER??? Kidding…nope…nope don’t tell me. Shhhh, no spoilers!


I would love to have Jandy Nelson on my panel. Both of her two published works are my favorite. How can you not fall in love on her writing style? It’s beautifully, poetic, and just amazing.

My Question: When will you publish Fall Boys & Dizzy in Paradise??? WHY IS IT STILL COVER/LESS ON GOODREADS? WE. NEED. IT. NOW. PLEASE.


Next is one of the most wonderful human beings on the planet, Jennifer Niven. She’s an overall amazing person and writer. The thing with her books is just that they feel so real, the characters, the story—they’re alive. I like reading the Acknowledgements of the author at the end of the book, and Jennifer Nivens’ are definitely my favorite ones! They’re always so heartfelt, I remember when I finished All the Bright Places—I was crying so hard but I cried even harder when I read the Acknowledgements.

My Question: So when’s the next book? WE ARE DESPERATE TO KNOW!!


Stephanie Perkins is the woman who made me swoon with her books. And it’s definitely been a long time since she published a novel (her Anthologies are not counted!), and we’re all here waiting for the next book boyfriend!



And lastly, my newest favorite author Nicola Yoon. Her books are EVERYTHING (Everything)amazing writing style, diverse characters, beautiful covers, and of course gripping storyline! I want her in the panel so I could just shower her with all the compliments she deserves.

My Question: Why are you so amazing?

So I’m imagining that this book conference would be just perfect. I will get to see all my favorite authors, hug and talk to them. They will be sharing their inspirations on writing, some writing tips for aspiring authors, and just be wonderful.

Of course, this Book Conference is just imaginary but who knows that maybe someday it’ll come true? I do hope so, I will do anything to attend when it does (given that it’s in the Philippines).


And if you want to organize a real book conference with the local authors around you, or if you’re planning some kind of event Eventbrite is extremely helpful!

Eventbrite is the world’s largest self-service ticketing platform. We build the technology to allow anyone to create, share, find and attend new things to do that fuel their passions and enrich their lives. Music festivals, marathons, conferences, hackathons, air guitar contests, political rallies, fundraisers, gaming competitions — you name it, we power it. Our mission? To bring the world together through live experiences.

So go visit the website here, and you might find an event that is close to you! And you can organize a conference if you want, just use this Conference Management Page.

This post is not sponsored in any way, it’s all for the love of reading and books. Thank you so much for reading it. Now, it’s you turn! Who will be included in your Dream Book Conference? What would be your possible questions to them? Share them in the comments.

adventure time cinnamon bun

Hope that you’re having a great day today, happy reading and blogging!

Please do leave any comments, thoughts, messages, reactions, and/or suggestions! Thank you for reading.

Until next time,


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19 thoughts on “Dream Book Conference with My Favorite Authors

  1. I’d definitely be in that conference with you hahaha I love Jenny Han ❤ And even tho I haven't read anything from the other authors yet, I'm really interested in some, so meeting them would be awesome 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’d definitely include Jandy Nelson, Jennifer Niven and Nicola Yoon on my panel too 💞 They’re such great authors and they have amazing books!

    P.S: I totally want to be in the room with you and this panel, it would be so good 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. YESSSS I 100% support your list! Especially Jandy Nelson omgggg her writing is fascinating and I can’t wait for her upcoming book </3 also yes to Jenny Han and Stephanie Perkins, they write the cutest, most adorable stories ever 😀 I love All the Bright Places, Holding Up the Universe… sadly not so much. BUUUUT I agree that her author's not/acknowledgement page is the best. It's so personal and we could just tell that she writes everything genuinely! Wonderful lists ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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