Blogger Recognition Award + I Survived My First Month!


Hello friends, it’s nice to see you again! (Look Mom, I’m so polite)

reactions excited adventure time hi yay

So one month ago, I posted my very first post here on my blog and wow… a big YAY for me because I survived my first month. I actually thought that I won’t make it this far because I have a bad history with commitments. Anyways, I am honored to do this post today which is The Blogger Recognition Award.

I have been nominated by these awesome bloggers,—Katherine @ Fabled Haven, Morgan @ Happily Ever Bookish, and Michelle @ The Reading Belle—please don’t forget to check out their blogs!



  • Write a post to show your award
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started
  • Give two advice to new bloggers
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  • Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.

I actually avoided this award for a long time, and I refuse to accept it because I don’t feel worthy of it. I’m still very new here and I don’t think I can give any legitimate advice to the other new bloggers out there. But since I have surpassed the one month mark, I think this is the right time to do it. Anyways, here is my story!

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I had a really great reading month last April, and after watching a lot of BookTube I had this extreme urge to talk about books. I seriously considered making a Youtube channel because I also wanted to enhance my video editing skills but… of course I couldn’t take filming myself seriously, and my home is pretty crowded so the entire process would just be hard and awkward. Plus, I’m not very photogenic (or is that video-genic?) and I hate the sound of my voice.


So then I decided to just write my feels about the books, I was actually in the process of writing book reviews on my other (personal) blog when I discovered that Book Blogging was a thing! Seriously, I didn’t knew that this is a really big blogging community. Due to my boredom this summer, I decided to start a book blog. And then, poof! Geniereads was born. I spent most of May 4, customizing the layout and stuff. Then, May 5, I officially published my first post.

Oh gosh, I never thought that I would make it this far. I was literally clueless, when I started I was super confused about everything—the tags, awards (I thought actual trophies and plaques were given), and memes (this was the worse, I thought that it was the actual picture memes like with pepe the frog or the derp memes lol). I had to do some extensive “research” and figuring out to cope out with all the bookish things. And then, I just started faking it and acting as if I knew what I was doing when in fact I had no idea what was going on most of the time. Well, up to this point, I’m still pretty much winging it and learning new things everyday!


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Some of you guys left some pretty flattering comments on my May Wrap-up post, saying how “successful” this blog is for its first month. And some of you were asking for advice. Again, thank you all for your wonderful words, they really make me smile every time. As I’ve said in the comments, I am still very overwhelmed on how fast I have progressed with my blog, and I don’t feel like I deserve all the love. But, you guys are seriously and extremely awesome for making it all possible, so… watchagonnadoright?

Okay now, enough of the ramblings. Here is my advice to all new bloggers out there:



Interact with other bloggers. This is a pretty common advice, I actually read this one when I started and I followed it. AND IT REALLY IS THE KEY. Mind you, I’m an introvert so starting up conversations is a big NO for me but I found it so easy to start up conversations here because EVERYONE IS SERIOUSLY SO NICE AND EASY TO TALK TO. So don’t be afraid to like and comment on different posts!

Explore. What I actually do is, because I have no life, I spend a lot of time exploring and discovering new blogs. I simply just admire their layout, then explore and read their posts and like some of them, comment on the posts that got my attention and most of the times follow them. This is a really efficient way to interact with other bloggers, and to make a lot of new friends! 


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Look at your blog at try to see through a reader/viewer’s eyes, ask yourself: Is this pleasing to look at? Is everything readable? Is it easy to navigate through posts and menus? etc. Then, make the needed improvements and adjustments.

Same with your posts, I always try to imagine myself as the reader of my post and I make posts the way I want to read them. Like, I like looking at pretty edits so I make my own headers for my posts. I don’t like reading huge chunks of words, so I put GIFs in between paragraphs. With my reviews, I like to emphasize important points so I bold the sentences that I think are important.

I hope that you got my point, I don’t know if this will work for everyone but it surely works for me.


So this is more of a challenge to myself than an advice because I SERIOUSLY NEED TO GET ORGANIZED. I’m behind my reviews, tags, and awards. I think that a schedule would help, and I should start making plans ahead. My advice is please don’t be like me because I currently write posts on the spot, which is bad especially now that school is near. 

Basically my opinion is, don’t just try to gain followers. You should aim to have readers, people who will read your posts and leave thoughtful comments. As a blogger you are both a writer and reader. So do your best in being both!

Those are my advice, please bear with me because I’m not good with giving some advice. But I hope you’ve learned something out of that blurb.

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So today I’ll nominate the bloggers who have helped me in their own little way. You guys may have no idea, but you and your blog inspired and helped me especially in my first weeks of blogging. I am so thankful that I have found you here in the blogosphere <3. I know that most of you have probably done this award, so feel free to disregard.

Donna @ chocolatesnwaffles’ blog / Casey @ AdoptABookAUS / Inside My Minds / Grace @ Quirky and Peculiar / Fatima @ Noteablepad / Cara @ Periods and Semicolons / Marie @ Drizzle and Hurricane Books / Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews / Liam @ Hey Ashers! / Claire @ Coffeeholic Bookworm / Poulami @ Daydreaming Books / Lola @ Hit or Miss Books / Reg @ She Latitude / Lisa @ The Not So Secret Life of a Nerd Girl / Ashleigh @ A Frolic Through Fiction / Katherine @ Fabled Haven (you nominated me lol, but I really had to mention you) / AND YOU! If you’re following me consider yourself tagged because I’m so thankful for each one of you.

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HAPPY FIRST MONTH MY BABY BLOG! I would never regret making and having you ❤

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Again, thank you all so much for every single thing. I’m sending you all virtual hugs and candies! I guess that’s all for this post, I hope that my advice would help all the new bloggers out there. Thank you so much for reading!

Please do leave any comments, thoughts, messages, reactions, and/or suggestions! Thank you for reading. Until next time,

❤ Louise

58 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award + I Survived My First Month!

  1. Louise, you’re a brilliant, wonderful, amazing person! ❤ I really admire how much research you put into starting this blog. Your blog is so successful for a reason! We all love reading your animated, colourful posts – and your voice really shines through. Your advice is all so important. Exploring the blogosphere is crucial, but I was really clueless when I started blogging. When I found all these book blogs, it felt a bit like coming out a cave. I'm still working on organising my posts 😛 (I barely have my life organised) but that's great advice too! And of course, putting yourself in your reader's shoes is probably the most important. 100% agreed!

    I can't wait to read more of your posts! Congratulations ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Another great post! 🙂 I was wondering how do you make the cute little banners that say Genie Reads made it one month! and stuff? I’d like to get better at making graphics and stuff for my blog but I don’t know how. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. No way! I only just started my blog three weeks ago myself and came upon your blog in the first few days already and the way your posts are and your whole layout and your interactions and your everything I though you were part of the community for a long time already. Congrats for establishing yourself so well. Your blog truly is a joy!

    Liked by 1 person

    Congrats!! Don’t worry, you are doing very well 🙂 Your blog is neat and gorgeous, and your posts always colorful and interesting, it’s a pleasure to read it.
    I have been blogging for six months and I still feel like a baby / confused / totally useless depending on the day. Also, I suck at graphics so it’s a real pain to have a blog that looks the way I want it too, haha.
    That’s very good advice! I struggle to stick to my organisation because of health issues but I do have a schedule and I am trying to learn how to write in advance. Until recently, I would write in the morning, give the post a break, proofread it and post in the evening. But that put a little too much pressure on me whenever I could not find the time to do it.
    Thanks so much for the nomination! I was totally not expecting to see my name appear here! I am happy I got to meet you and I’m looking forward to more blog fun with you! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Donna! I know that feeling, there are days when I don’t feel like opening my WordPress and I don’t even know why. But honestly, you and your blog are really amazing! I love reading your posts and interacting with you.

      That is exactly what I do, and I still don’t have a schedule but I’ll be working on it. I agree, it is really hard to write posts on the spot because there is the pressure of needing to finish the post within the day. 😅

      You’re very welcome, you totally deserve it and many more! 💞😄

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Yay for virtual candies! Seriously though its 9.40am and now I want some sugar 🙂

    Your blog is absolutely amazing, seriously your headers and your layouts are perfect there’s no way anyone could believe you’ve only been doing this for a Month!
    I had the same thoughts about Booktube and then I remembered I can’t use words when I’m looking at a camera XD so blogging it was! I’m also the most unorganized person ever and write posts as I go instead of scheduling them like I should, I will get my post organised… one day.

    Thank you so much for this tag and keep being awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha, there’s no bad time for some sugar! (My mom and dentist would scold me for that lol) Thank you so much, what you said really just made my day. 😆💞
      Yes, me too! I’m not that fluent when it comes to speaking English so I can imagine myself saying a lot of “uhms” and stuttering all throughout the video. 😂😂😂 I’m “trying” my best to get organized, and yes I’m miserably failing lol.
      You are very welcome, you totally deserve this award and a lot more! I love your blog so much. 😄💙

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations on surviving your first month, Louise! It’s been great having you on my feed and I just love your blog style. 🙂

    And the pieces of advice that you give are very useful and very practical! Exploring the blogosphere is something I wish I had done when I first started out – I do it now, but only sporadically and only when I have time (which is not very often), but I totally agree that it’s super important. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  7. AH, happy one month to Genie Reads! ❤ You're honestly so sweet, Louise, and I absolutely love your blog and talking to you! Your advice to new bloggers is wonderful, and I wholeheartedly agree with you – especially with organization, HAHAHA. It can be really hard to stay organized!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Wow, congratulations! You seem like such a nice and sweet person (and I have no doubt that you genuinely are.) Thank you for the advice you gave, I could really use them considering I’m quite new to the community as well. Once again, congratulations and I hope we can be friends lol. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Aw, Louise! I absolutely loved reading this. I’m so glad you decided to create a blog 😊 You’re honestly doing such an amazing job. It’s seriously almost hard to believe that you’ve only been going a month (congrats btw 🎉🎉). You have already developed such a unique voice when posting. Fantastic advice too! Interacting is seriously so important and fortunately the community is so wonderful it makes it really easy. I seriously need to work on being more organised because I’m so bad at that 😂 the majority of my posts are made up on the spot too 😂.

    And thanks so much for the nomination! I’ve already done this one, but I appreciate the thought so much ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Pingback: Genie Shares: I Ran Out of Facts to Give (95 Facts About Louise) | geniereads

  11. Congratulations on your first month of blogging, Louise! Blogging is such a brilliant way for readers to share their love of books with others. And it’s probably my favorite platform just because I’m not comfortable with filming myself as well. Not to mention, we all get to improve our writing skills this way, too. Anyway, hope that you continue to have many more months of happy blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: SunTag: The Blogger Recognition Award | Chocolatenwaffles' Blog

  13. tbh I was as confused as you were! I suspected some people kept book blogs but I had no idea that there was this huge community. I’m glad I joined, tho, but I have so much to learn! 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I still get overwhelmed on how huge this community is especially when I go to other platforms like Twitter and Instagram there’s just so many of us. 💙 Me too, I’m glad that we both joined the community and that I have so many things to learn about blogging. 😅

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Pingback: The Blogger Recognition award – adoptabookaus

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